Adding to the kofte and dolma i will also attempt hünkar beğendi and Sarimsakli Patates Puresi (Garlic Mashed Potatoes )- both look delicious.
I have also decided to branch out and attempt to make Hoşaf or Komposto. It is a drink usually made of dried or fresh fruit boiled in water with sugar and left to cool and infuse. I found a simple recipe using apples and cranberries should be a nice addition to the meal.
And what are you doing for dessert? i hear you ask... well i am keeping it simple this time round :-) i will be making Acıbadem kurabiyesi (a bitter almond biscuit) - is a traditional Turkish biscuit made of almonds, sugar and egg whites.
So with the feast planned and the guests sorted Turkey here i come :-)
Until then take some time to brush up on a few Turkish Proverbs and Folk Sayings/Türk Atasözleri :-)
Aðaç yas iken eðilir. The green twig is easily bent. |
Ateþ düþtüðü yeri yakar. An ember burns where it falls. |
Bekarlýk sultanlýktýr. There is no soverinity like bachelorhood. |
Bilmemek ayýp deðil, sormamak ayýp. Not knowing is not shameful, not asking is (shameful) or, It is not a shame not to know, it is a shame not to ask. |
Bir elin nesi var, iki elin sesi var. Two heads are better than one. |
Bir tasla iki kus vurmak... Killing two birds with one stone. |
Çabuk parlayan çabuk söner. What flares up fast, extinguishes soon. |
Eþek hoþaftan ne anlar (anlamaz). An ass does not appreciate fruit compote. |
Havlayan köpek ýsýrmaz. The dog that barks much does not bite. |
Ýnsan yedisinde ne ise yetmiþinde de odur. What a man is at seven is also what he is at seventy. |
Ýðneyi kendine batýr çuvaldýzý baþkasýna. Stick the needle into yourself (to see how it hurts) before you thrust the packing-needle into others. |
Kurtlu baklanýn kör alýcýsý olur. The buyer of the rotten beans is the blind man. |
Kuzguna yavrusu þahin görünür. The raven sees its chickens as falcons. |
Ne ekersen, o'nu biçersin. You harvest what you sow. |
Öfke ile kalkan zararla oturur. He who gets up (starts up) in anger, sits down with a loss. |
Öküz altýnda buzaðý aranmaz. Do not search for a calf under an ox. |
Sakýnýlan goze cop batar. An over-protected eye gets the speck (Being overly careful invites misfortunes). |
Sinek küçüktür, ama mide bulandýrýr. The fly is small, but it is big enough to make one sick. |
Sürüden ayrýlan koyunu kurt kapar. The sheep separated from the flock is eaten by the wolf. |
Terzi kendi söküðünü dikemezmiþ. Fýrýncýnýn çocuðu aç dolaþýrmýþ. The shoemaker's child goes barefoot. The baker's child goes hungry. The plumber's house (roof) always leaks. |
Yenilen pehlivan güreþe doymaz. A defeated wrestler is not tired of wrestling. |
Vakitsiz öten horozun baþýný keserler. They will cut off the head of a cock that crows before it is time. |
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